Mett-Bio Metallurgical Testing & Services offers analysis services for corrosion coupons. We offer highly customised corrosion coupon analysis services allowing customers to choose from number of options that are relevant as per requirements. We can analyse your corrosion coupons on a per-batch basis, providing results within a few days of receiving the samples.

Customer can select from below mentioned corrosion analysis services:

  1. Sample photography,
  2. Cleaning,
  3. Precision weight loss analysis
  4. Corrosion rate evaluation
  5. Localized corrosion (pitting) analysis,
  6. Clear and thorough reporting, and
  7. Corrosion consulting assistance and expert witnessing.

We follow stringent laboratory protocols during post exposure analysis of corrosion coupons and is carried out as per NACE RP0775 :2005 standard.

In addition to analysis our team of corrosion experts can always aid you in interpreting the analysed results and how to employ the analysed data to improve the operation efficiency.

Introduction for Corrosion Coupons:

Mett-Bio Metallurgical Testing and Analysis an independent testing and analysis division with ISO 17025:2005 accreditation located at Ahmedabad is involved with Corrosion Testing and Failure Analysis since 2013. We are pleased to introduce the Corrosion Test Coupons an inexpensive means of on-line monitoring that will allow you to monitor the corrosion within your systems effectively. Materials life assessment can be easily assessed based on the mile per year corrosion rate of an exposed coupon.

Mett-Bio can help you make coupon in any shape, size and material (viz. ferrous, non-ferrous and elastomeric) you need. Suitable marking can be stencilled on the coupons as-well based on the requirement. Typical Coupons shape manufactured are: Flat Strip Type, Disc Coupons and Cylindrical Coupons. Mett-Bio offers a variety of coupon holders and additionally can design and manufacture custom holders as per requirements.

Additionally, Mett-Bio offers corrosion inhibitor bags which are best suitable corrosion resistant bags for the storage of ferrous and non-ferrous coupons.